What do you want to do with Citavi? Here are some suggestions for various projects:
Prepare for a Presentation
Creating a Project → Adding a Book by ISBN Number → Adding a Webpage with the Citavi Picker → Creating Categories → Adding Quotations by Hand → Creating a Publication with Word
Write a Thesis or Dissertation
Creating a Project → Adding a Book by Hand → Adding a Book by ISBN Number → Adding a Contribution in an Edited Book → Linking a File to a Reference → Importing Results from Online Databases → Planning Tasks → Adding a PDF file with the Picker → Finding Full Text → Creating Categories → Adding Quotations from the Preview → Adding Quotations by Hand → Sorting Quotations and Thoughts → Creating a Compilation → Changing Citation Styles → Formatting a Publication
Write a Journal Article Submission
Creating a Project → Adding Quotations from the Preview → Changing Citation Styles → Formatting a Publication
Create a Repository
Creating a Project or Creating a Team Project → Adding a Book by ISBN Number → Adding a Contribution in an Edited Book → Searching Research Databases with Citavi → Linking a File to a Reference → Adding a PDF File with the Picker → Printing an Annotated Project Bibliography
Create an Annotated Bibliography
Creating a Project or Creating a Server Project → Adding a Book by Hand → Adding Multiple Books by ISBN → Adding a Contribution in an Edited Book → Searching Library Catalogs with Citavi → Searching Research Databases with Citavi → Adding Abstracts and Tables of Contents → Organizing References by Category → Creating a Grouped Project Bibliography
Manage Your Personal Library
Creating a Project or Creating a Server Project → Adding Multiple Books by ISBN Number → Applying Keywords → Creating Categories → Organizing References by Category → Recording Locations